Saturday, August 25, 2012

New Look!

Did anyone notice I updated my blog? Not the posts, but the overall look of it!

I finally have a blog header again and even put up the kids' photos on it. Rhys aka Cheeky Boy chose his photo, wearing a prop afro wig and giant glasses! Now you know why I called him Cheeky Boy in the first place. He also chose the monster stickers underneath his photo and he decided his sister cannot choose yet, so he chose hers as well.

As for Elyse aka Baby Girl, I chose a photo from my sister's wedding. Doesn't she look adorable? I know I'm a bit biased, but admit it, she does look cute. We actually wore matching gowns that day! Guess whose idea was it?

Anyway, back to my blog, I might change the photos again when Elyse turns one next year. So that's it, hope you like the new look.

Thanks for reading my blog!

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