We decided to spend time there because we wanted to escape the sweltering and humid weather in Metro Manila. I called up Camp John Hay - The Manor Hotel and booked a 1-Bedroom Suite for an overnight stay and then we left the house around 9am the same day.

The whole trip took 4 hours, in light to moderate traffic. Thanks to the new expressway, SCTEX (Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway), we saved 1-2 hours of travel time! Another good thing about this trip is that CB is a good traveller. All he needs is milk and his Backyardigans DVDs, and he's happy. He entertained us with his cute antics, like singing along and putting his blankie on top of his head!

After check-in at the hotel, we walked around the estate and proceeded to Mines View Park, where there were LOTS of people! We just took a few photos and then left quickly. En route to Mines View Park, we drove past The Mansion, the official summer residence of the President.

Then it was time for dinner. Went to a local restaurant called Gilligan's Island. Hubby was craving for some deep fried pork knuckles, locally called Crispy Pata, just like Schweinshaxe in Germany. It wasn't as good as the ones in Manila, but hubby was happy with it anyways.
On our 2nd and last day, we went to church in the morning and then proceeded to the local market for some cheap but fresh vegetables and fruits. We left Baguio City just after 3pm and because it was easter holiday, there was moderate to heavy traffic on the way back to Manila. After a long and exhausting drive, we finally got home around midnight!

Hope you had a great weekend!

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