Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday #4

Need I say anything about this photo?


Honey said...

can I keep him? hehehe...

Joy said...

HEHEHEHEHE! I love it! My daughter, who just started walking, is now discovering how her body can bend and flop around so she always doing strange stuff too. But not standing on her head in her crib! Thanks for sharing this with the world!!!

Happy WW!

Buckeroomama said...


(I used to live in the Philippines... and I so miss the food!)

Yvonne said...

Thanks! He's been doing this before he turned 1 and just had my camera on hand when he did this. I called out his name, that's why he was looking towards the camera. Then he tumbled forward like a gymnast! Hahaha sooo cute! :)

AEC said...

so cute! very limber! tag for you: